Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I attended Dr. Forni’s talk on civility and was most impressed by his presentation.
I especially liked his emphasis on old fashioned values – children can be quiet in libraries, adults shouldn’t put feet on tables, library staff should be spoken to politely.
Much of what he said was common sense but it is nice to have our values reinforced.

By far, the most entertaining book talk I have heard, ever, was LOVE AND DEATH ON THE HIGH SEAS by Michael Gannon. I came away from the talk with a useful booklist, and an enhanced appreciation of the bodice-ripping, bare chested, heroes and heroines that populate the novels.

I am embarrassed to admit I have never read anything by Marita Golden, but listening to her speech certainly piqued my interest. I also attended her question and answer session later in the day. I found her to be approachable, and agreed with her thoughts on life and race. I have definitely put her novel After, on my “to read” list.

I also attended the session on ONE MARYLAND/ONE BOOK, an informational session about Maryland’s statewide community reading project. This years book will be A Hope in the Unseen by Ron Suskind. I am considering using the book for my August selection of my non-fiction book club.

Finally, I have attended many pub nights but none like the pub night at MLA hosted by Michael Gannon. The rules were loose, the questions impossible, and what a lot of fun! I even stayed up past 11:00! I learned a lot of trivia that I will probably never use (in truth I have already forgotten it) but the function served as a great way to meet fellow conference attendees.

Linda Goldsmith

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